Is it the Vital Wheat Gluten that is now being added to almost every bread on the grocery store shelves?
Is it the hidden GMOs in the ingredients?
Is it the Modernization of wheat from the amber waves of grain to the dwarf wheat of today?
Is it the rancidity that takes place in freshly ground flour that is stored unrefrigerated - or the chemical preservatives used to keep it from quickly turning rancid?
Is it the breeding methods that have taken place over time that has changed the genetic makeup of wheat that has led to tenfold increases in yields from that of only a century ago?
Is it the dough conditioners and additives and artificial colors that are used to help create the illusion of a big bold healthy/hearty/whole grain loaf of bread?
Is it the synthetic vitamins that are added to replace the ones destroyed in the refinement and milling process?
Is it the hormone-like substance or “plant growth regulators” that are being applied to the wheat?
Is it the collection bins sprayed with insecticides and or perhaps it’s the fumigation method (a toxic concentration of gas) used to remove any pests from the grain bins?
Is it poor soil preparation or a lack of a good crop rotation plan?
Is it the use of herbicides and pesticides?
Is it the disappearance of the old fashioned stone grinding method that has been replaced by high speed steel roller mills?
Is it the lack of using a cooled air drying system to dry the grain that causes the protein in the grain to become damaged?
Is it the preservatives that are added to bread to increase shelf life?
...and we could go on and on regarding the many different things that could be affecting your daily bread. We could make a strong case for any of the items listed above as being the culprit and the downfall of your daily bread. We could probably even write a book and make a case that would not only be convincing but also scientifically credible.
We find it amazing how a person will simply pick one of the categories above and create an entire crusade based upon that one thing. For example - gluten is the big unforgivable sin these days. It is being perpetuated and accused of being the ultimate villain to your well being. We are not so sure we agree with that. But then again, we know that not all gluten is created equal.
Over the next several months, we are going to share our 30 year journey with you. During this journey we have discovered many things about your daily bread that will surprise you. We don’t believe it’s your daily bread, specifically, that is making you sick - we believe it is what’s been done to your daily bread that is making you sick.
As you go through this journey with us - the way you look at bread is going to change. You are going to realize that bread is not the enemy - gluten is not the enemy - our need for "faster, better, cheaper" has been and continues to be our enemy.
We have gotten into this mess because of our belief that we can out smart and outperform absolutely everything in its original state. How’s that been working out for us? Food related allergies, cancer and every other type of chronic illness is spiraling out of control. It’s time that we realize that not everything new is better. It’s also time that we realize that cheaper comes with a price and that price just may be your health.
We hope to challenge your thinking and to create an open, honest dialogue in the baking industry. This is not in an effort to harm - but an effort to educate and to help bring about some much needed change. After all, something really had to go wrong to get everyone's attention. And we aren't simply talking about a food that has just recently been introduced to our diets - we are talking about bread. Bread - a dietary staple that our ancestors have been eating for thousands of years.
Stay tuned - make sure to watch for our emails and/or subscribe to our blog updates on our website at You do not want to miss the information in this series. If you’ve been eating gluten free because your daily bread was making you fat, sick and/or you have developed allergies or sensitivities to wheat - then this series is for you.
Peace & Blessings!
This information is not intended or appropriate for those that suffer from celiac disease. Celiac disease is a serious and potential life threatening health condition.
All Rights Reserved - Berlin Natural Bakery - April 2015