Bake The World A Better Place & Updates March 2025
Hello to my precious Berlin Natural Bakery family!
How in the world is it March already? I think sometimes because we move so fast every day, the weeks all kind of blur together. But I thought I would take a moment to slow this freight train down and give you all a little update into our happenings these days.
We find ourselves grateful to have a little space to breathe in this early part of the year. We may not be as busy as we typically are in the crazy bread season like November but we are stable and we're relatively well staffed and therefore we remain grateful! Like out-of-this-world grateful!
If you were to stumble upon us in our little corner of Amish Country, you would probably be able to hear some of the shenanigans we have going on in this place from the parking lot. We truly have a very kind, funny and connected group of employees at the bakery at this time. In fact, they get a little loud from time to time and I have to go out there and tame the crazy down a little bit! :) It's not easy being the grown up.
However, I LOVE the idea that our employees are happy and enjoy working together. My brother and I have always had the dream that this bakery would be a safe place for everyone who walked in here. And we do our best to make sure everyone knows that we are all for fun as long as bread is getting baked, sliced and packed and everyone is being safe and following our protocols.
Last week, we had some "team" meetings and I asked everyone who had one to bring in their "Bake The World a Better Place" t shirt or sweatshirt. These have been Christmas gifts from us to the employees last year and I think maybe 3 years ago. And since we were meeting, I decided we'd do a quick little photo shoot! It was silly, it was cute and it was fun.
Things change here so very fast and so capturing a moment can be super tough. But I am grateful for shots like these and for all the memories through the years!
That's the fun, now let's pivot to the more serious stuff!
I have an update on the Alb Gold Pasta. For those of you that don't know, Alb Gold is actually a pasta that comes all the way from Germany. We have recently been informed that because of a concern about the Organic Eggs in some of the Alb Gold pasta(s) that we will no longer be able to import anything besides the Whole and White Spaghetti. Both of those spaghettis do not contain eggs. This means we will no longer be carrying the Spaetzle, Broad noodles or the Thin Soup noodles.
However, I am happy to report that they do carry quite a few other Spelt pastas that do not contain eggs. I got a whole list of pastas I had no idea existed so our goal is to bring in quite a few new pasta options for you to enjoy! We are waiting on some details from them but we are hoping to have those available as soon as humanly possible. Just keep in mind, they come from Germany so that's quite a trek!
And finally - we've got some pizza crust news! It's been on the list for quite some time but we are working on a new pizza crust recipe! Timing is always important when it comes to things like this but the goal is to settle on a recipe we all love, have it available for a month or so to get feedback before we do any final printing of packaging.
So we are counting on you to share your thoughts with us when we get that launched. I think we've settled on the recipe but now we're on to the fine details that can slow things down a little.
But I am sooooo committed to getting you a pizza crust you adore (besides the one we currently offer).
All that to say, the future is looking bright and shiny here in our corner of the world. I know there is so much noise and heaviness in the world and there's truly so much outside of our control but we have learned that worrying does nothing but steal the peace of our "right now." And being in a slower, more laid back community has taught us the value of "we can truly only do what we can."
I pray that as the days get a little longer and a little sunnier, you find even more peace and hope!
And so I shall leave you with the goodbye sentiment I always wish upon our employees when they leave: stay safe, make good choices and remember who you are!
Nicole & Nick
The 3rd Generation of Berlin Natural Bakery
the little bakery that could! 🙂