How To Start The New Year Off More Energized!
1. Take 1000 to 5000 mg of vitamin C a day.
2. Be sure to always get a good amount of extra sleep.
3. Keep a regular exercise program going.
4. Drink 2 liters of water a day.
5. Take vitamins and minerals especially at night when the body repairs itself.
6. Take acidophilus and antioxidants daily.
Lacey Breaker
March 10 2021
Could you kindly translate your site into German as I’m not so comfortable reading it in English? I’m getting tired of using Google Translate all the time, there is a little WordPress plugin called like global translator which will render all your articles automatically- that would make reading articleson your sweet blog even more pleasant. Cheers dude, Lacey Breaker!
Lacey Breaker
March 10 2021
Could you kindly translate your site into German as I’m not so comfortable reading it in English? I’m getting tired of using Google Translate all the time, there is a little WordPress plugin called like global translator which will render all your articles automatically- that would make reading articleson your sweet blog even more pleasant. Cheers dude, Lacey Breaker!
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