By: Cindy Widder, General Manager Berlin Natural Bakery
Summer is here and there’s nothing better than getting together with friends and family for a festive backyard BBQ. With the
“Summer Hot Dog and Burger Bun Special”
being offered from Berlin Natural Bakery this July, it’s a perfect time to share a delicious Grilled Burger recipe.
The thing you need to keep in mind when you are making your own grilled burgers (or whatever dish you are making) is that it’s okay to improvise. In fact, that’s how most new recipes are developed. I’m always taking ingredients from one recipe and combining with others to get my own special dish. Sometimes it works out fantastically, and other times….well, those times I throw out the recipe and start over. But that’s the fun of it. You never know what you might get!
Someone once told me that they never try a new dish when they are making something for an occasion like a family reunion or church function, because they are too afraid of it not turning out well. Not me. I absolutely love trying out new things on my family and friends for any occasion. Sometimes they are huge successes and once in awhile they are a huge flop. At least I haven’t lost any family or friends because of it yet and most of them seem to really enjoy being my guinea pig.
That’s what I’ve done with this Grilled Burger recipe. I wanted to experiment with something slightly different from our usual burgers and this is one of those times where it turned out well. I also grilled (or should I say my husband…he’s the official grill Meister) Corn on the Cob using a butter/honey mix. The recipe for that is below as well.
Grilled Burger Ingredients:
1 - lb ground beef
1/4 cup sweet onion, chopped
1/4 tsp chopped garlic
1 Tbsp. Hot Sauce
1 1/2 tsp. Worcestershire Sauce
1 1/2 tsp honey
1 pkg. BNB White or Whole Spelt Burger Buns
Mix the first six ingredients together and form into patties. (other ingredient suggestions: green/red pepper, jalapenos, mushrooms, oregano, basil, etc.)
Grill over medium heat for 4-5 minutes on each side or until meat is no longer pink.
Apply your favorite BBQ sauce if desired. Serve on buns with lettuce, tomato, cheese, onion or toppings or your choice.
Grilled Corn on the Cob: (recipe for 4 ears...just double or triple as needed)
Husk corn and remove silk.
Melt 3 TBSP butter in small bowl
Add 1 1/2 Tbsp honey and 1/4 to 1/2 tsp Cajun seasoning (optional) and mix well.
Place each ear on a 13-in by 12-in piece of heavy duty foil. Spread butter mixture over each ear of corn. Fold in edges of foil and seal. Grill approsimately 15 minutes, turning every 4 to 5 minutes. Carefully unwrap foil and season with salt or pepper to taste.
May your summer be full of wonderful celebrations!
Until next time...Happy Baking!
Don't forget to take advantage of the
Summer Hot Dog and Burger Bun Special we are running the entire month of July! Let us know if you have any questions!