Last Minute Non GMO Month Special!
We couldn't let Non GMO Month end without doing a little something to honor both the Non GMO Project and you!
We have been a part of the Non GMO Project from the very beginning. In fact, we were the first bread line in the United States to be Non GMO Project Verified.
When my mom (our President) and her team made the decision to partner with the Non GMO Project - it was something that came so natural for Berlin Natural Bakery. We have been purists at heart from our conception and aligning with a movement that believes that people have the right to choose whether they (and their families) consume GMOs was just plain a no brainer.
In case you were wondering, our products are still made in small batches. They are still minimally processed with a short, easy to pronounce list of ingredients. We still mill our flour daily, on site at the bakery. We still refuse to compromise on our breads with things like manufactured flavors, synthetic vitamins and artificial colors. We still double bag our loaves of bread in an effort to help it keep its freshness without the use of preservatives. We still bake exclusively with an heirloom variety of spelt because we know it is just plain superior to modern wheat(s).
So eat up, Berliners, and when you do, please know that we still bake everything you enjoy with pure and thankful hearts. Because without you, there truly is no Berlin Natural Bakery.
From our family to yours,
The Berlin Natural Bakery Team
$1 Off All Sliced Spelt Breads!
Whole Grain Spelt Bread - Regularly $6.46 now $5.49
Sprouted Biblical Spelt Bread - Regularly $6.49 now $5.49
Flax Seed Spelt Bread - Regularly $6.49 now $5.49
Righteous Raisin Spelt Bread - Regularly $6.46 now $5.49
Classic White Spelt Bread - Regularly $6.49 now $5.49
Sprouted Spelt Bread - Regularly $6.46 now $5.49
Sourdough Spelt Bread - Regularly $6.49 now $5.49
(Special Surprise on Thanksgiving Favorites! No code necessary!)
Use Discount Code NONGMO$1OFF at checkout to activate discount
*To order online, go to use code NONGMO$1OFF
*Discount only available online. Offer will expire on Tuesday, October 31, 2017 at 11:59 pm EST.
*Cannot be combined with other offers or credits.