Attention: Be sure you read all the way to the end of the Health In Hand's Retailer Story! Health In Hand has customized a special offer for you ending June 26th you won’t want to miss!
Hold On To Health... At A Health in Hand
As a young man in his teens, Rick Arledge chose a demanding and very effective hobby to get in shape—weight lifting. But Rick didn’t stop there. By the time he reached his early twenties, he was competing in two hour long bike races. It is no wonder Rick has such a vast knowledge of health and nutrition. “I had to fuel my body with the right food,” says Rick. “Organic food and vitamins had to be part of my training and research had to be part of improving my workouts.”
One might surmise that with such a physically taxing hobby such as bike racing, that Rick had a desk job. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Rick has been remodeling houses his whole life. “I’m currently working on a house built in 1950,” Rick explained, “but I was always into the health aspect of things and I was looking for an outlet to help educate the public on how to take better care of themselves without the use of drugs and chemicals.” A friend of a friend told Rick about a store for sale in Lancaster Ohio. “I have always loved the beautiful Hocking Hills area and had bought property there, so it seemed like a perfect time to strike out on a new venture.”
In August of 2000 Rick opened
Health In Hand on Lincoln Avenue in Lancaster. The hard work and discipline Rick adhered to in the early days paid off when he opened the store. “All of my training and research made me a good source of information, and I am happy to share my knowledge with my customers.” Helping others has always been the major motivator for Rick. Over any other reason, helping others was the inspiration to open Health In Hand. Even the unique name Rick chose says it all. “If you think about the things you touch everyday, either you have ‘health in your hands’ or things that will harm you. Which will you choose today?”
Business grew, and Rick always hoped for more space and a better location. “I called the building (on Lincoln) “the cave”, laughs Rick, “it had tiny windows high up across the front of the store and no other windows at all. It was hard to display the products and you had to have the lights on all the time.”
In November of 2004, Health In Hand moved to their present location at 639 North Pierce Avenue in Lancaster. The store is bigger, not to mention bright and cheerful with private parking-- so no more fighting for a parking space. Stop by for a wonderful selection of the finest quality fresh, natural, organic and whole foods, nutritional products, and body care products. “I believe in every product that I sell. I love Berlin Bread, of course, and I recommend Berlin to alot of customers. I also use Berlin products for my family.” Rick also carries two favorite brands of supplements- Garden of Life and New Chapter. Rick advocates probiotics and essential fatty acids and tells all of his customers to “get wheat out of their diet.”
Something must be working, and working very well, because though Rick stopped racing bikes approximately 15 years ago, he still rides a bike on a regular basis. “I still ride, and God willing, will continue to ride until I’m just not able to do it any longer.” “Natural has worked for me,” says Rick, “and in ten years of helping others I have seen that it really works for them, as well. I have been blessed to be able and willing to help so many people and at the same time have so many helping me support my family.”
In addition to all the great products you can find at Health In Hand, you can also always count on genuine concern and commitment to you as their customer. “We will always try to help, or steer you in the right direction to best help yourself,” promises Rick, “that has always been our commitment to the customer. Everyday we strive to better educate ourselves so we can have a better educated customer.”
Many thanks to Rick Arledge and his staff and we look forward to many more years of success at Health In Hand.
*******Health In Hand Special Offer*******
15% Off All Berlin Natural Bakery Products
Take advantage of this special offer today by saying to the cashier “I saw the retailer story on Health In Hand at Berlin Natural Bakery’s Website and would like to take advantage of the special discount of 15% on Berlin Natural Bakery's products.”
Special Offer Expires June 26, 2010.